What is a normal hiring process?

As a hiring manager or someone who is about to apply for a job, the process you are meant to run or participate in is sometimes unclear. We’ve rounded up data from businesses using Re-View for their candidate screening process to better understand what are the steps and stages they use when looking to hire a new member of their team to bring you ‘the normal hiring process’!

However, before we get into the results, it’s worth stating that there is in fact no truly normal hiring process. While the steps we present below are typical, most companies we spoke with had something that was different about their process – either because the needs of the business or the needs of the candidate demanded it. For instance, a restaurant we spoke with asks Chefs to come in for a day cooking at their restaurant before hiring them. So don’t feel bad if your process doesn’t look like this – there might be a very good reason!

Without further ado, here are the ‘normal’ stages that most companies complete before hiring a job applicant: 

Resume review

The first step in the candidate interview process is to review resumes and cover letters to identify potential candidates who have the skills and experience required for the job. This helps to narrow down the pool of applicants and identify the most qualified candidates.

Video responses review 

Once you have identified a list of potential candidates, the next step is to conduct an screening of their video responses on Re-View to further narrow down the pool. This is an opportunity for candidates to elaborate on their experience and qualifications, as well as to giving hiring managers an understanding of behavioral and attitudinal traits that are hard to pick up when viewing text on resumes alone. 

First interview

After the video screening, you should invite the most qualified candidates for a first interview. This is typically an in-person or virtual meeting, and is an opportunity for you to get to know the candidate better and ask more in-depth clarifying questions about their experience and qualifications. 

Second (and sometimes third) interview

If the candidate performs well in the first interview, you may want to invite them for a second interview. This is typically a more in-depth conversation, and may involve meeting with other members of the team or department.

Reference check 

Before making a final decision, it’s a good idea for hiring managers to check the candidate’s references. This can provide valuable information about the candidate’s work ethic and performance, and can help you make an informed decision about whether they are the right fit for the job. 

Offer and – fingers crossed! – acceptance: 

If you have decided that the candidate is the right fit for the job, the final step is to make them an offer and hope they accept. At this stage, its important for hiring managers to communicate clearly about the terms of the offer, including the salary, benefits, and start date. It’s also important for the candidate to clarify anything they don’t understand, and negotiate to ensure they’re getting the best possible offer. 

The candidate interview process is a crucial step in finding the perfect person for your company and for candidates finding roles that are the right fit for them. By following a series of steps and stages, you can confidently navigate the process. 

That’s all from us. Ciao for now!