18 Examples Of Job Applicant Screening Tools Sorted By Category

Are you trying to figure out all of the different options for job applicant screening tools that are out there? It can be overwhelming to try to navigate the vast landscape of software and platforms that are available, each offering their own unique set of features and benefits. It’s important to take the time to do your research and choose the tool that is the best fit for your organization’s specific needs and requirements. 

There are tools that focus on video interviews and skills assessments, while others offer more comprehensive recruiting platforms with a range of features to help you find and hire top talent. There are also tools that use artificial intelligence to streamline the hiring process and make it more efficient. No matter what your needs are, there is likely a tool out there that can help you streamline your hiring process and find the best candidates for your open positions.

In order to navigate this space, let me break it down for you with broad categories, complete with lots of juicy examples for you to go and explore. 

The categories, in the order in which you are likely to encounter them in the recruitment process are: 

  1. Resume review tools
  2. Asynchronous video response tools (like Re-View!)
  3. Interview tools
  4. Skills testing tools
  5. Reference checking tools

NB: www.re-view.ai has no affiliation with any of the other companies listed below. We have included them in this list for informational purposes only. 

Let’s dive in! 

Resume review tools

These tools help you quickly and efficiently review resumes and other application materials, typically by using keywords or other filters to identify relevant qualifications and experience.

A few examples of resume review tools include:

1. Jobvite: This tool offers a range of features for resume review and applicant tracking, including keyword search, customizable job requisition templates, and integration with LinkedIn and other job boards. Its mobile optimized career sites, CRM integration, advanced reporting functions and customisable work flows make Jobvite not just a resume review tool, but a comprehensive recruiting platform as well.

2. Breezy HR: Similar to Jobvite, this tool offers an easy-to-use interface for reviewing resumes and other application materials, as well as features like scheduling, collaboration, and candidate communication tools. Breezy HR leans into additional functionality like candidate sourcing, collaborative hiring, advanced reporting and customizable workflows.

3. Lever: Lever is another recruiting platform that offers a range of tools and features to help companies streamline their hiring process. Some of the key features of Lever include customisable pipelines, collaborative hiring, advanced reporting, integrations with top job boards and mobile-optimized career sites that make it easy for candidates to apply.

4. Workable: Workable offers a range of features for resume review and applicant tracking, including customizable job requisition templates, integration with popular job boards and social media platforms, and collaboration tools. Workable is a comprehensive recruiting platform that offers a range of tools and features to help companies find and hire top talent.

5. JazzHR: JazzHR is a popular recruiting platform that offers a range of features and tools that may make it a good fit for SMB’s. Some of the features of JazzHR include resume review and applicant tracking, including customizable job requisition templates, integration with popular job boards and social media platforms, and collaboration tools.

Asynchronous Video Response Tools

Asynchronous video response tools allow companies to collect video responses from job applicants without the need for a real-time video call. With these tools, applicants are typically given a list of prompts or questions to answer in a video recording, which they can then submit for review by the hiring team.

There are a number of tools available that allow companies to collect asynchronous video responses from job applicants.

  1. Re-View: Re-View is a recruiting platform that offers a range of tools and features to help companies streamline their hiring process, with a focus on job applicant screening. Re-View allows companies to collect video responses easily and simply from candidates without unnecessary functionality or cost, providing a more engaging and personalized experience for candidates and a more efficient way for hiring teams to review responses. Not only is it more personalised, it’s easier for everyone involved.
  1. HireVue: HireVue is a talent experience platform designed to automate workflows and make scaling hiring easy. It offers a range of tools for conducting video interviews and collecting asynchronous video responses from candidates. It also offers technical assessments, scheduling functionality and an interview builder. 
  1. Outmatch: Outmatch, previously called Wepow is a recruiting platform that enables recruiters to create on-brand assessments, conduct video interviews and complete reference checks – a combination of functionality they call the ‘Hiring Experience Stack’. 

Interview tools

These tools can help you schedule and conduct interviews, either in person or remotely. Some tools even offer video or virtual interview capabilities.

A few examples of interview tools include: 

  1. Calendly: This tool allows you to schedule and conduct interviews with candidates, either in person or remotely. It offers a range of features, including customizable availability and scheduling options, integration with popular calendar apps, and the ability to schedule multiple interviews at once.
  1. Zoom: This tool allows you to conduct virtual interviews with candidates over video, either one-on-one or in a group setting. It offers a range of features, including screen sharing, recording capabilities, and collaboration tools.
  1. Spark Hire: This tool allows you to conduct video interviews with candidates, either one-on-one or in a group setting. It offers a broad range of features, including customizable interview questions and templates, the ability to record and review interviews, video scheduling, video messages, as well as hiring and interview collaboration tools.
  1. InterviewStream: A recruiting platform that offers a range of tools and features to help companies streamline their hiring process, with a focus on video interviews. It offers a range of features, including customizable interview questions, collaborative hiring, the ability to record and review interviews, and the ability to conduct mock interviews to help candidates prepare.

Skills testing tools

These tools allow you to assess a candidate’s technical skills or other abilities relevant to the role. This might include things like coding challenges, data analysis exercises, or other types of assessments.

A few examples of skills testing tools include: 

  1. Codility: This tool allows companies to automate developer assessments and test their coding skills by providing coding challenges and exercises. It offers a range of features, including multi-lingual tests, the ability to customize tests for specific roles, track progress of candidates through the hiring funnel, stack rank candidates performance, and provide feedback.
  1. HackerRank: This tool allows you to assess a candidate’s coding skills by providing coding challenges and exercises for organizations who are looking to incorporate technical skills assessments into their hiring process. HackerRanks offers a range of features, including skills assessments, advanced reporting, customisable templates and more. 
  1. CodeSignal: CodeSignal is a recruiting platform that offers a range of tools and features to help companies streamline their hiring process, with a focus on technical skills assessments. It offers customizable templates for skills assessments and allows multiple team members to collaborate on the hiring process. CodeSignal also offers advanced reporting and analytics tools and is mobile-optimized, making it easy for candidates to participate in skills assessments from their smartphones or tablets.
  1. Tests4Geeks: Tests4Geeks is a tool that allows companies to assess a candidate’s skills and abilities in a range of areas, including coding, data analysis, customer service, and more. It offers a range of features, including the ability to customize tests, track progress and performance, and provide feedback to candidates after the test is completed. 

Reference check tools

These tools can help you efficiently gather and organize reference information from a candidate’s past employers or other references.

A few examples of reference checking tools include: 

  1. Harver: This tool allows you to gather and organize reference information from a candidate’s past employers or other references. With Harver, you can easily request and collect references from a candidate’s past supervisors, colleagues, or other professional contacts, and organize the information in a way that makes it easy to review and evaluate. 
  1. Checkster: This tool allows you to gather and organize reference information from a candidate’s past employers or other references. It offers a range of features, including customizable templates, integration with popular job boards and social media platforms, and the ability to track and manage reference requests. In addition to traditional reference checks, Checkster also offers tools for conducting 360-degree feedback assessments, which can provide additional insights into a candidate’s skills and abilities.

And that’s a wrap!

We’ve covered a lot of ground in this blog post, exploring the world of job applicant screening and the various tools and companies that are helping organizations streamline their hiring process

From video interviews and skills assessments to collaborative hiring and advanced reporting, there are a range of options available to help companies find and hire the best talent. As technology continues to evolve and advance, it will be interesting to see how the job applicant screening landscape continues to change and what new tools and approaches emerge. 

Until next time, happy hiring!
