Collect Customer Testimonials; Top 5 Ways

Customer testimonials are an essential part of any business. If you want to improve your brand, increase your SEO ranking and get insights into your business, you need to collect customer testimonials before you can share them. But how do you actually go about getting them? Here are the top 5 methods:

  1. Use social media
  2. Send emails
  3. Use customer feedback you already have
  4. Use surveys
  5. Add a request to your email signature

Lets take a look at each of these in a little more detail 👀

1. Use social media to collect testimonials

Social media is a great way to get customer testimonials. You can post a call-to-action on your social media channels, asking your followers to leave a review or testimonial. Make sure you post your call-to-action on all of your social media channels, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok and Instagram. The more channels the merrier! 

2. Send emails asking for testimonials

Another great way to get customer testimonials is to send emails. You can send an email to your customers, asking them to leave a review or testimonial. Make sure you include a link to your website, social media channels or Re-View link in your email, so your customers can easily leave a review or testimonial. 

3. Use customer feedback you already have! 

Customer feedback you have received in the past is another great way to get customer testimonials. You can use customer feedback to improve your products and services. Make sure you ask your customers for feedback on a regular basis and get their permission to share any testimonials you might already have. 

4. Use surveys to collect testimonials

Surveys are a great way to get customer testimonials. You can use surveys to collect customer feedback and get insights into your business. Make sure you ask your customers for their feedback on a regular basis. You can use surveys to improve your business and get insights into your customers. Offering a small incentive – like a discount code or a gift card from Amazon – will ensure you get a good response rate to any survey you are sharing. 

5. Add a request for testimonials in your email signature

Adding a request to collect customer testimonials in your email signature puts the request for testimonials on auto-pilot. With any luck this should provide a steady stream of customer testimonials and reviews.

What’s more, if there is a good conversation happening in email, it makes it an easy request via email to transfer the great content you’re getting from your customer via email into a review for the business, via ‘the link in my signature’. What could be easier! 

Ideally, you would employ all of these methods to collect as much customer feedback as possible. The more feedback and social proof you can build for your business, the better! Then, once you have the testimonials it’s time to make the most of them, and start sharing them!

When looking to collect customer testimonials and product reviews, the simplest and most affordable solution for collecting video testimonials from customers is to share a Re-View link. It’s easy and totally free to get started.

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