What Is A Manager Check-In? 

If you’re a manager, or if you work for a manager, you’re probably familiar with what a Manager Check-In is. But if you’re new to the concept, don’t worry – we’ll cover everything you need to know about manager check-ins. Can we say Manager Check-In one more time? I think we can. Manager Check-In.

First things first – what exactly is a manager check-in?

Essentially, it’s a regular meeting between a manager and their team members to discuss progress, goals, and any issues or concerns that might be on the horizon. The goal is to provide a space for open communication and to make sure that everyone is on the same page.

What is the history of manager check-ins?

The history of manager check-ins is a bit of a mixed bag. Some people swear by them as an essential part of effective management, while others see them as unnecessary or even burdensome. In the past, manager check-ins were often seen as a way for managers to micromanage their team members and make sure that they were meeting specific goals and targets. But over time, the focus has shifted to creating a more collaborative and open-ended conversation, with the aim of building trust and fostering a sense of mutual support within the team. Where previously the mantra of most managers used to be ‘these people are my direct reports and I need to manage them’, the attitude is now shifting towards‘’these people are my direct supports, and I need to help them achieve their goals’. 

What are the pros and cons of manager check-ins? 

On the plus side, they can be a great way to stay connected with your team and make sure that everyone is on track. They can also provide an opportunity for team members to voice any concerns or issues that they might be facing, which can help to prevent problems from escalating. 

On the downside, if not done well, manager check-ins can feel like a waste of time or even a form of surveillance. They can also be tough to schedule if you have a busy team, and if they’re not well-organized, they can easily veer off track and become unproductive.

How can you make sure that your manager check-ins are effective and valuable? 

I’m glad you asked. Here are a few tips:

  1. Set clear goals: Make sure that you have a clear understanding of what you want to accomplish in the check-in. Whether it’s discussing progress on a specific project or just catching up on what’s going on, having a clear agenda can help to keep the conversation focused.
  1. Encourage open communication: Make sure that your team members feel comfortable speaking up and sharing their thoughts and concerns. This can be especially important if you’re working remotely and don’t have as many opportunities for in-person interaction.
  1. Be flexible: Remember that everyone has different schedules and commitments. Try to find a time that works for everyone, and be open to adjusting the schedule as needed.
  1. Use asynchronous video: A great option being taken up by more and more companies is asynchronous video. By allowing employees to send their check-in information ahead of time, managers have an opportunity to digest the information and come prepared to the meeting. An added bonus is that the meeting time can be spent discussing action items that need to be addressed rather than downloading the check-in information.
  2. Follow up: After the check-in, make sure to follow up on any action items that were discussed. This will help to ensure that things don’t fall through the cracks and that everyone stays on track.

For more resources check out this article on questions to ask before, during and after a manager check in.

Overall, manager check-ins can be a valuable tool for keeping your team connected and on track, as long as they’re done well. 

What is the future of manager check-ins? 

It’s difficult to say exactly what the future of manager check-ins will look like, but it’s likely that they will continue to evolve and adapt to the changing needs of teams and organizations. 

Here are a few potential developments we might see in the future:

  1. Increased use of technology: As more and more teams work remotely or in hybrid environments, it’s likely that we’ll see increased use of technology to facilitate manager check-ins. This could include the use of video feedback platforms like Zoom and Google Meet, as well as specialized tools for collecting and sharing asynchronous video like Re-View.
  1. Greater emphasis on employee well-being: As the importance of mental health and well-being in the workplace becomes more widely recognized, it’s possible that we’ll see a shift in the focus of manager check-ins to include more emphasis on supporting employees’ overall well-being. This could include regular check-ins on stress levels, work-life balance, and other factors that can impact employee happiness and productivity.
  1. More frequent check-ins: As teams become more agile and project-based, it’s possible that we’ll see a trend towards more frequent, shorter check-ins rather than longer, less frequent meetings. This could allow managers to stay more closely connected with their teams and respond to issues and concerns in real-time. So basically, more frequent less formal check-ins.

Overall, the future of manager check-ins is likely to be shaped by a combination of technological advancements, shifts in the way we work, and a greater focus on employee well-being. As always, the key will be finding a balance that works for your team and organization.

Let’s wrap it up

In conclusion, manager check-ins are a valuable tool for keeping teams on track and ensuring that everyone is aligned on goals and priorities. While they have their pros and cons, they can be an effective way to facilitate communication and collaboration, as well as provide support and guidance to team members. As the way we work continues to evolve, it’s likely that we’ll see changes in the way manager check-ins are conducted and their focus. However, the fundamental purpose of these check-ins – to help teams succeed – is likely to remain the same. Whether you choose to conduct check-ins in person, over the phone, or via asynchronous video using a tool like Re-View, the key is to find a method that works for your team and organization, and to be consistent in your approach.